Client stories

Jo Owen
Once upon a time, Jo worked with the one and only Jane Smith, who founded our firm back in 1994. When Jane opened the firm, Jo knew that she’d be in safe hands. Fast-forward to 2021, and Jo had a total career change. She’s enjoying every moment of her new life illustrating children’s books and is thankful for the support we’ve provided since day one.
Steve and Amanda Atkinson
For more than ten years, every visit to us was another year ticked off towards Steve’s much-anticipated retirement. Together with his wife Amanda, they’ve been able to revel in their love of travel and indulge in, as Amanda puts it, some very nice holidays. For them, the most important part of their relationship with us is the fact that we really, truly listen.
Mark and Alison Chamberlain
We’ve worked with Mark and Alison for many years, through many changes and twists and turns of their lives. They really value the peace of mind that we have been able to bring them, by working closely with their family and the ebbs and flows that life brings.
Lindsey Marriott
Lindsey and her husband began working with us a little later in life than many of our clients do. She had a worry in the back of her mind that it was “too late” for them to benefit from financial planning or that they wouldn’t be “wealthy enough” to work with a financial planner. Those fears were very quickly dispelled when we met.