We’ve been using Zoom for video conference calls for the past few months to carry out any online client meetings but going into lockdown, we moved all meetings online. Now we’re not the most tech savvy bunch but we’ve managed to get our heads around using Zoom, so much so that the whole team has a video call every morning now. Hopefully those of you that have had to move your meetings online haven’t found it too traumatic! For those yet to experience Zoom, we’ve produced a short guide which should help answer any questions you have about it and also help to guide through using it.
For a while now, we have been considering and trying to cut down on the volume of printing and posting documents. Given the current circumstances we have been pushing to reduce this to as little as possible. You will have noticed this where we have asked you to scan applications or forms to us or receiving your annual meeting document by email rather than post. Whilst we have been encrypting any sensitive documents we send, we are looking to implement a client portal sooner rather than later. This will provide an enhanced level of security to all encrypted documents but also any communication and enable things like e-signatures. We will keep you updated!
Fortunately, most companies have been able to adapt quickly to the lockdown situation and have made changes to their standard processes, allowing scanned copies or creating online application forms. This has made it a lot simpler to be able to still provide the service needed.