Director and Certified Financial Planner – how did that happen? Like many people in financial services, I rather fell into it. I had no burning desire to become a financial adviser or financial planner but had watched my mother build her own business and saw the impact that her advice had on her clients. I liked the idea of being able to combine technical knowledge with real life client relationships. So, when I talked to Mum about a role I’d seen with another firm, I was told that I should join her!! So, that’s where it all started in January 2000, but nearly twenty years on, I’m a Chartered Financial Planner, Certified Financial Planner, ISO accredited and running the business.
What drew you to JSFPL? Mum!
What keeps you smiling at work every day? Seeing that our clients don’t have to worry about money and get excited about the possible opportunities. They’re confident that based on the advice and planning we do for them, they’ll be OK!
What are you saving for? I’m a great one for budgeting and saving for everything, both long and short-term. Big goals are paying the mortgage off and saving for retirement, but smaller goals will be projects in the house and garden.
When you’re not at JSFPL, what keeps you busy? Two children and a husband, a large garden and Poppy the Labrador.
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? You’re more capable than you think – go for it! In hindsight, with a bit more confidence, there’s things I could have done much earlier than I actually did them.
What goals are you working towards now? There’s a list of places I’d like to get to and things I’d like to see. Holidays and experiences are a big thing for us a family. In the last couple of years, we’ve been to South Africa and Thailand and next on the list is orangutans in Borneo. But, equally, we love the UK – there are some beautiful places to see and we often say if you could rely on the weather, parts of the UK can beat anywhere else in the world.